New Hire – My journey from MP’s Master Programme to Analyst
Let’s start this year’s series of MP Blog entries with something I’ve been asked numerous times during my time at university, the MP’s Master Programme.
Of course, when you study something related to finance or business, many people consider a career in Corporate Finance (in my case, M&A). Still, due to the versatility and number of opportunities in this field, many are also overwhelmed and perhaps may not know where to gain their first experience in the relevant field at their current career stage. Therefore, I am more than happy to introduce at least one opportunity to get some first M&A experience (besides your studies!) and share how I experienced my journey from MP’s Master Programme to Analyst.
Even though many of my fellow students asked me about the Programme, I believe not all our readers are familiar with it. So let me briefly explain what this Programme is about and why I think you should consider applying for it whilst you are a student. The Programme is designed for master students who aim to gain first (or further) insights into the world of M&A – and this in Vienna and alongside your studies. A rare combination, isn’t it? You will work as a BD Analyst or BDA (Business Development Analyst) typically 25h/week and will be assigned to a Dealmaker within one of our industrial fields (Advanced Manufacturing; Automotive & Mobility; Electronics, Tech & IoT; Engineered Materials; Healthcare, Life Science & Beauty; Metal; Packaging, and Wood & Paper). Typical tasks include researching the market and updating or drafting new market slides, screening the industry for still unknown players to discuss their current strategic roadmap, and organising meetings with prospective clients.
Speaking for myself, I joined MP in summer 2019 as a BD Analyst right after my exchange semester in London and before I started my master’s in finance and accounting at WU. I covered the Automotive Plastics sector, which is within Automotive & Mobility. I received some profound insights into the current challenges in the Automotive Plastics sector (e.g., smart surfaces, weight reduction due to the shift to alternative powertrains). As you might know, as a BD Analyst, you are not yet actively involved in the project business. However, you have more flexibility and schedule your working hours, so they don’t clash with lectures or exams, which is quite convenient and helps you to stay on track with your university goals. Although you are not actively involved in the deal, as a BDA, you can gather a tremendous amount of knowledge about the activities on the market and the strategic challenges companies have to cope with, especially when colleagues always have an open ear for questions. However, in 2020 the pandemic hit (and unfortunately still does in 2021 and 2022) and all my courses at university were virtual. So, I decided to explore other opportunities in different cities. In spring 2021, I interned at a Munich-based private equity firm and a bulge bracket bank in London in the summer. Now you might ask, why are you writing about quitting MP and joining other companies? That’s pretty simple. Because I’ve always stayed connected with MP and eventually my time as a BD Analyst helped me to secure the job as an M&A Analyst since September 2021. My previous role at the firm facilitated the first weeks and saved quite some time as I was already familiar with the company’s organisation and setup. Currently, I am involved in two sell-side and buy-side projects. What I like about my current role is that at MP, you get client exposure, literally from day one, and see the full dynamics of how a deal plays out.
For me, it was definitely the right decision to join the MP’s Master Programme besides my studies. The Programme gives you a sense of what you can expect as an Analyst at MP. You get familiar with the basic valuation methodologies and, more importantly, develop broad industry know-how like in no other student job.
Check out our vacancies and take the chance to apply now!
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