
Experience matters. Discover what our clients say about us.

The MP team was present at every stage of the transaction process and acted in a coordinated and strategic manner even in the smallest matters. From the seller’s point of view, this support function always gave us a good feeling of controlling the process and achieving an optimal and sustainable result for all parties involved.

Dr. Ralf Hasler, Majority Shareholder & CEO at Lacon Electronics, Germany Deal information

Once again MP proved to be a highly valuable challenger of both our own and the sellers’ position during the entire M&A process! The team – as in previous transactions – put to work their extraordinary know-how and expertise not only in the Automation market but also their unique understanding of the workings of a business and the leverage thereof during challenging contract negotiations!

Gerhard Luftensteiner, CEO and Shareholder at KEBA AG, Austria Deal information

Working with MP was a blessing for us. We are in a unique niche as high tech engineering company, and MP already understood our business at the start and quickly familiarized themselves with our company details. We trust them to speak on our behalf, and they have a very professional way of working.

Arnoud de Geus, Director of New Business Development at Sioux Group, Netherlands Deal information

From past experience, I knew I can always count on the MP-team. MP has proved again, even on the last mile of this transaction which was particularly intense and time-consuming for everybody, to be extremely competent, proactive and tireless – It is always very good to have MP onboard!

Pierre-Olivier Beck, Head of M&A and Corporate Dev. at Novares, France Deal information

MP advised us throughout the whole transaction, from selection of potential buyers, preparation of the management and the company, first class documentation and excellent due diligence organization. They brought in their deep industrial know-how and market-leading execution skills in the whole negotiation process until finalization of the transaction. A great partner to work with and a clear focus on what they promise – getting deals done.

Dr. Karl Grigkar, Head of Supervisory Board at TCG Unitech, Austria Deal information

We are deeply impressed about the M&A-process knowledge of MP. Especially their professional experiences of the EMS market were most valuable. The whole MP team did an excellent job and are highly recommended.

Armin Schröder, Founder at SERO Elektronik, Germany Deal information

Thanks to a trustful and transparent cooperation, you feel very well and comprehensively looked after as a seller. This includes factors such as an intensive preparation phase for the transaction, the analysis of the company‘s own business model, the target markets and the strategic selection of potential buyers with an international orientation, as well as the rapid implementation of the transaction up to the signing of the SPA-contract. We have greatly appreciated the full commitment of the MP team, especially in more critical phases of the process.

Joachim Hug, Managing Director at Sued Beteiligungen GmbH Deal information

“After years of collaboration, it remains a pleasure to collaborate with MP. As privileged partner of Novares, we highly appreciate the dynamism and the commitment of a very hard-working team with a pragmatic approach. The entire team is one hundred percent result oriented and stays mobilized until the closing of the deal. I recommend MP for complex and international deals which require a high level of technicity and negotiation intelligence.“

Francoise Moschetti, Group Legal Director at Novares Deal information

From selection of potential buyers to a smooth and swift due diligence, MP professionally executed this transaction with a hands-on approach. The deep understanding of the industry and strong negotiation intelligence were crucial factors for the success of this transaction.

Leo Strohmayr, M.Sc. MBA, Managing Director at Invest AG Deal information

MP’s commercial intelligence and understanding of the Flexible Packaging Market, combined with their deep know how of transaction mechanics makes them for Schur Flexibles to a very valuable partner in M&A processes. Huge thanks to the team for a very fast, efficient and successful completion of the UNI Packaging transaction.

Michael Schernthaner, CFO at Schur Flexibles Group Deal information

We are very pleased to have Lindsay Goldberg as our new partner. Lindsay Goldberg´s packaging expertise and its global network will allow COVERIS Rigid to continue its development into a preferred supplier for innovative packing solutions with an international footprint

Dieter Bergner, CEO at COVERIS Rigid Deal information

We are pleased to be partnering with EN ElectronicNetwork and moving forward to create the leading EMS provider in Europe. MP conducted a well-structured and disciplined sales process. From our bidder’s perspective they facilitated a resource-friendly and timely execution, yet fashioning a win-win transaction for buyer and seller alike.

Claude Savard, CFO at Asteelflash, France Deal information

Pleasant, professional, result oriented, efficient, knowledgeable support. I would definitely recommend this team.

Lucas Mes, Investement Director at NPM Capital, Netherlands Deal information

Thanks! It was great to work with the MP-team. Great result and great fun!

Roel Zeevat, CEO at Plasticum Group, Netherlands Deal information

Bei der Umsetzung unserer Akquisitionsstrategie war das Team von MP Corporate Finance ein wesentlicher Faktor für den Erfolg. Aufgrund der hohen Branchenkompetenz konnten die möglichen targets in kürzester Zeit identifiziert und kontaktiert werden und bei der weiteren Umsetzung und Verhandlung der Transaktion einschließlich der Strukturierung der erforderlichen Finanzierung war das Transaktionsteam von MP dank seiner Erfahrung und seines Commitments für den Deal von größtem Wert.

Dr. Maximillian Gessler, President at Megatech Industries, Spain Deal information

Meine Entscheidung für MP Corporate Finance als langjährige Transaktionsberater der Lenzing AG wurde regelmäßig durch folgende Eigenschaften bestätigt: Erfahrung, Verlässlichkeit, Beharrlichkeit und Menschlichkeit als Grundvoraussetzungen für den erfolgreichen Abschluss von Transaktionen.

Dr. Peter Untersperger, CEO at Lenzing AG, Austria Deal information

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challengers, are ready to take on your challenge – and exceed your expectations, every day.

  • Market leader in industrial M&A
  • 700+ industrial M&A projects
  • 85+ professionals form the largest industrial M&A team
  • Adding credibility to your deal
  • Maximising your value with our challenger mindset